Instructions For Filling Application Form
Applicants applying for OCI-Card, please read
Please fill the fields in BLOCK LETTERS.
A person who has not attained the age of 18 years is considered as minor. In case of minor who cannot sign, his/her left thumb impression may be placed in the signature box. Parents should not sign on the behalf of the children.
Signature/Thumb impression should be confined to the prescribed box. In case of minor applicants, parents should NOT sign in the box.
Photograph to be affixed on the application should be a square shape of size not less than 51*51mm (with 80% coverage of face). It should have plain light color background (not white) without the border with front view of person's head and shoulders showing the full face in middle of the photograph. It should not be stapled and not have any signature.
Photographs that do not conform to these standards will be rejected and may cause a delay in processing the applications. Please see standards of acceptable photographs as Photo Link.
If there are any objections while processing the applications, the same will be displayed on the Online Status Enquiry. Please follow the instructions and send requisite documents to the Indian Mission/ Office where you have applied quoting the File (or Acknowledgement) Number.
After successful registration, copy of Part A and Part B with an online registration number will be printed. Application form on Parts A and B, complete in all respects, along with all relevant enclosures may be submitted to the appropriate office.
Enclosures to be attached with the application:
In case of applications for registration as Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder in lieu of PIO card, only copies of the following documents to be attached:-
Valid passport of the applicant
Valid PIO card of the applicant.
In case of fresh application for registration as OCI Cardholder, following documents are to be attached:-
Proof of present citizenship – Copy of present valid passport (applicable in all cases), with validity of minimum 6 months at the time of submission of application.
In case application is submitted in India, copy of any type of Visa (other than Missionary Visa, Tourist Visa and Mountaineering Visa)/ Residential Permit with 3 months validity as on the date of application.
Evidence of self or parents or grandparents or great grandparents being a citizen of India at the time of, or at any time after the commencement of the Constitution i.e. 26.01.1950 or being eligible to become a citizen of India at the time of commencement of the Constitution i.e. 26.01.1950 or belonging to a territory that became part of India after 15th August, 1947:-
These could be:Copy of the Indian Passport; or
Copy of the Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent Authority; or
Copy of Nativity Certificate from the Competent Authority; or
OCI Card/ PIO card of parents/ spouse along with the documents upon which the OCI/ PIO card was issued; or
Any other proof substantiating the request. Usually applicant does submit a certificate of residence or place of birth of self/parents/grandparents from First Class Magistrate/District Magistrate (DM) of the concerned place.
Evidence of relationship as parent/grandparent/ great grandparent, if their Indian origin is claimed as basis for registration as OCI Cardholder: The document of relationship could be “Birth Certificate” issued from competent authority mentioning both parents’ name. In case the birth certificate is issued by a foreign authority, it is to be Apostilled or endorsed by the concerned Indian Mission abroad.
In case of minor child whose both parents are citizens of India or one of the parents is a citizen of India:
Copy of child’s birth certificate
Copy of Indian passport of the parents / one of the parents or copy of the Domicile Certificate or Nativity Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in respect of the parents/ one of the parents or any other proof substantiating the status of the parents/ one of the parents as being Indian citizen(s).
If the parents are divorced, court order of dissolution of marriage, which specifically mentions that the legal custody of the child is with the parent who is applying for the OCI card.
Evidence as spouse of foreign origin of a citizen of India or spouse of foreign origin of an OCI Cardholder:
Registered marriage certificate; indicating that the marriage has taken place before 2 years on the date of application.
In the case of spouse of an Indian citizen - Copy of the Indian Passport of the spouse or copy of the Domicile Certificate or Nativity Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in respect of the Indian spouse or any other proof substantiating the status of the spouse as being an Indian citizen
In the case of spouse of an OCI Cardholder - Copy of the present valid Passport of the spouse and copy of the OCI Card of the spouse and copies of the documents upon which the OCI Card was issued to the spouse.
In case of applications submitted to the Indian Mission/ Post abroad, OCI registration fee of US$ 275 (US$ 100 for conversion of PIO to OCI card) for each application or equivalent amount in local currency to be paid by way of Demand Draft (till online payment facility is introduced).
In case of applications submitted in India, a fee of Rs.15,000/- (Rs. 5500/- for conversion of PIO to OCI card) by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Pay and Accounts Officer (Secretariat), Ministry of Home Affairs payable at New Delhi (till online payment facility is introduced).
The documents enclosed with the application should be self attested.
After submission of the complete application online including documents, photograph and signature, the applicants are required to visit their jurisdictional FRRO/ Mission/ Post with the originals of the supporting documents uploaded with online application for prior verification.
In India to the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO), Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Amritsar, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Lucknow, Kochi, Kozhikode, Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) , Ahmedabad and Goa.
Outside India, to the Indian Mission/Post having jurisdiction over the country of which the applicant is a citizen or if he/she is not living the country of his/her citizenship, to the Indian Mission/Post having jurisdiction over the country of which the applicant is ordinarily resident.
After receipt of application in concerned office, a File (or Acknowledgement) Number would be issued to the applicant by way of acknowledgement
The applicant can verify the status of his/her application online by quoting the online Registration Number or File (or Acknowledgement) Number.
Please contact Mission/Office where you have applied for OCI registration after 10 days from the date of dispatch of documents from Delhi or any day after receipt of documents at the Mission/Office whichever is earlier. Please produce your passports(s) and PIO card, if applicable, in person/through authorized person for affixing OCI visa sticker and issuance of registration certificate. In case of applications filled in India with FRRO, applicants should go to the FRRO office in person/through authorized person.
For collection of OCI document, the applicant is required to be present at the concerned Indian Mission / FRRO Office in person or he/she can send a duly authorized person, along with his/her passport & PIO card (if any) and the original documents for which self-attested copies were attached at the time of submitting application, for verification purposes.
Please check that all fields in the form are filled in and all necessary enclosures are attached before submission of the form to Indian Mission/Post abroad or FRRO in India.
Concealment of any material fact or false representation etc. will lead to cancellation of registration as Overseas Citizen of India (Please refer to section 7D of the Citizenship Act, 1955).
For Re-print this application, visit :
For status Enquiry about your application, visit :
Applicants applying for OCI-Card, please note-
It is mandatory to upload Applicant's image and Applicant's signature image during OCI-Registration.
Both the images must be in jpeg or jpg format, with max size 1MB.
The height and width of the Applicant Photo must be equal.
The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 200 pixels (height).
The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 3500 pixels (height).
The height and width of the Signature Photo must have aspect ratio 1:3
The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 67 pixels (height).
The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 2500 pixels (height).
Kindly be ready with both these images before starting the registration process.
Instructions For Filling Application Form
Applicants applying for Miscellaneous Services, please read
To avail Miscellaneous Service, you must be an existing OCI Card Holder
In case the existing OCI card holder wishes to update the latest information about his latest passport, Change in address/Occupation/Contact details, the OCI card holder can select the option as given below and upload the latest photograph and requisite documents. These details shall be updated into the OCI system records and an acknowledgement shall be shared with OCI card holder on his/her registered email ID. The services under these categories are gratis in nature:
In case issuance of new Passport Details (each time a new passport is issued up to 20 years of age and once after completing 50 years of age)
In case change in address/occupation/contact details.
As per latest MHA guidelines, The re-issuance of new OCI card will be applicable for following categories:
In case of issuance of new passport (once a new passport is issued after completing 20 years of age.)
In case of change of personal particulars viz. name, father's name, nationality etc.
In case of loss/damage of OCI registration certificate.
In case the existing OCI card holder wishes to apply for re-issuance of OCI Card, application form, complete in all respects, along with all relevant enclosures and requisite fee may be submitted to the Indian Mission/Post/Office in whose jurisdiction the applicant is ordinarily residing irrespective of the fact whether the same Indian Mission/Post/Office has issued the original OCI documents or not.
In case the existing OCI card holder wishes to update/upload the latest information about his latest passport, Change in address/Occupation/Contact details, the OCI card holder can select the option/(s) as given below and upload the latest photograph and requisite documents. These details shall be updated into the OCI system records and an acknowledgement shall be shared with OCI card holder on his/her registered email ID. The services under these categories are gratis in nature.
Please fill the fields in BLOCK LETTERS.
Signature/Thumb impression should be confined to the prescribed box. In case of minor applicants, parents should NOT sign in the box.
Photograph be a square shape and it should have plain light color background (not white) without the border with front view of person's head and shoulders showing the full face in middle of the photograph. It should not be stapled and not have any signature.
Photographs that do not conform to these standards will be rejected and may cause a delay in processing the applications. Please see standards of acceptable photographs as Photo Link.
If there are any objections while processing the applications, the same will be displayed on the Online Status Enquiry. Please follow the instructions and send requisite documents to the Indian Mission/ Office where you have applied quoting the File (or Acknowledgement) Number.
After successful registration, copy of Part A and Part B with an online registration number will be printed. Application form on Parts A and B, complete in all respects, along with all relevant enclosures may be submitted to the appropriate office.
Enclosures to be attached with the application:
The documents enclosed with the application should be self attested.
This form when completed should be submitted in original along with photograph, signature and requisite documents.
In India to the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO), Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Amritsar, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Lucknow, Kochi, Kozhikode, Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) , Ahmedabad and Goa.
Outside India, to the Indian Mission/Post having jurisdiction over the country of which the applicant is a citizen or if he/she is not living the country of his/her citizenship, to the Indian Mission/Post having jurisdiction over the country of which the applicant is ordinarily resident.
After receipt of application in concerned office, a File (or Acknowledgement) Number would be issued to the applicant by way of acknowledgement
The applicant can verify the status of his/her application online by quoting the online Registration Number or File (or Acknowledgement) Number.
Please contact Mission/Office where you have applied for OCI registration after 10 days from the date of dispatch of documents from Delhi or any day after receipt of documents at the Mission/Office whichever is earlier. Please produce your passports(s) and PIO card, if applicable, in person/through authorized person for affixing OCI visa sticker and issuance of registration certificate. In case of applications filed in India with FRRO, applicants should go to the FRRO office in person/through authorized person
For collection of OCI document, the applicant is required to be present at the concerned Indian Mission / FRRO Office in person or he/she can send a duly authorized person, along with his/her passport & PIO card (if any) and the original documents for which self-attested copies were attached at the time of submitting application, for verification purposes.
Please check that all fields in the form are filled in and all necessary enclosures are attached before submission of the form to Indian Mission/Post abroad or FRRO in India.
Concealment of any material fact or false representation etc. will lead to cancellation of registration as Overseas Citizen of India (Please refer to section 7D of the Citizenship Act, 1955).
For Re-print this application, visit :
For status Enquiry about your application, visit :
Applicants applying for Miscellaneous Services, please note-
There will be re-issue of OCI card only once i.e. when a new passport is issued after completing 20 years of age. This will be as per the existing system of re-issue of OCI cards under OCI Misc. services.
Provision for uploading of a copy of the new passport containing the photo and also a latest photo on the online system each time a new passport is issued up to 20 years of age and once after completing 50 years of age.
In the case of those who have been registered as OCI card holder as spouse of foreign origin of a citizen of India or spouse of foreign origin of an OCI card holder, provision for uploading a copy of the new passport containing the photo and also a latest photo on the online system each time a new passport is issued, along with the following:-
A declaration signed by the OCI card holder and his/ her Indian spouse or OCI card holder spouse to the effect that their marriage is still subsisting.
In case the OCI card holder is the spouse of an Indian citizen, copy of the Indian passport of the Indian spouse.
In case the OCI card holder is the spouse of an OCI card holder, passport & OCI card of the OCI card holder spouse.
OCI card holder may upload the documents within 3 months of issue of new passport. This service will be on gratis basis. A simple form along with provision for uploading these documents to be provided.
On uploading of the documents as at (2) & (3) above, an auto email to be sent by the system to the OCI card holder confirming that the documents have been successfully uploaded.
After verification of the uploaded details by concerned Indian mission/FRRO, an acknowledgement through email to be automatically sent to the OCI card holder informing “Updated details have been taken on record”.
It is mandatory to upload Applicant's image and Applicant's signature image during OCI-Registration
Both the images must be in jpeg or jpg format, with max size 500kb.
The height and width of the Applicant Photo must be equal.
The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 200 pixels (height).
The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 3500 pixels (height).
The height and width of the Signature Photo must have aspect ratio 1:3
The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 67 pixels (height).
The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 2500 pixels (height).
Kindly be ready with both these images before starting the registration process.
Instructions For Filling Application Form
Applicants applying for Special Permission, please read
Please fill the fields in BLOCK LETTERS.
To apply for special permission for any of the activity, you must be an existing OCI Card Holder.
You may apply for the special permission of any one of the activities listed below:
To undertake research;
To undertake any Missionary or Tabligh or Mountaineering or Journalistic activities;
To undertake internship in any foreign Diplomatic Missions or foreign Government organisations in India or to take up employment in any foreign Diplomatic Missions in India;
To visit any place which falls within the Protected or Restricted or prohibited areas as notified by the Central Government or competent authority;
Photograph should be a square shape with 80% coverage of face. It should have plain light color background (not white) without the border with front view of person's head and shoulders showing the full face in middle of the photograph. It should not be stapled and not have any signature.
Photographs that do not conform to these standards will be rejected and may cause a delay in processing the applications. Please see standards of acceptable photographs as Photo Link.
If there are any objections while processing the applications, the same will be displayed on the Online Status Enquiry. Please follow the instructions and send requisite documents to the Indian Mission/ Office where you have applied quoting the File (or Acknowledgement) Number.
The Overseas Citizen of India Card holder applying for permission for activities the following documents need to be uploaded ;
For Research Activities-
Copy of OCI Card
Copy of Passport (in case of dual nationality, both passports)
Copy of admission letter received from university/ institute
Bonafide certificate from the institute mentioning period of research
Copy of synopsis of research papers
Duly certified Form 'G'
Evidence of financial resources
Residence proof
Recent photograph
Recent Signature
Undertaking from the applicant:
For Mountaineering Activities-
Copy of OCI Card
Copy of Passport (in case of dual nationality, both passports)
Copy of permission from Indian Mountaineering Foundation
Copy of expedition details
Evidence of financial resources
PAP/ RAP permission, if any
Recent photograph
Recent Signature
Undertaking from the applicant:
For Missionary work-
Copy of OCI Card
Copy of Passport (in case of dual nationality, both passports)
Copy of sponsorship from institution/ organization
Evidence of financial resources
Residence proof
Recent photograph
Recent Signature
Undertaking from the applicant:
For internship/ employment-
Copy of OCI Card
Copy of Passport (in case of dual nationality, both passports)
Contract / sponsorship of Internship/ Employment
Residence proof
Recent photograph
Recent Signature
Undertaking from the applicant:
For Tabligh work-
Copy of OCI Card
Copy of Passport (in case of dual nationality, both passports)
Contract / sponsorship of Internship/ Employment
Evidence of financial resources
Residence proof
Recent photograph
Recent Signature
Undertaking from the applicant:
For journalistic activities-
Copy of OCI Card
Copy of Passport (in case of dual nationality, both passports)
Copy of contract/ sponsorship with organization
Documents related to designation in media platform
Documentary Clearance Form along with required documents as per format prescribed on MEA's website (if applicable)
Undertaking for making documentary as per format prescribed on MEA's website (if applicable)
Recent photograph
Recent Signature
Undertaking from the applicant:
For Visit Protected or Restricted or prohibited areas as notified by the government: please visit for further details.
Undertaking from the applicant is as given below:
This form when completed should be submitted in original along with photograph, signature and requisite documents.
Once the application is submitted by OCI Card holder, acknowledgment will be sent to him on e-mail and link will be provided to check status of application.
As soon as permission is granted by concerned Indian mission or Indian FRRO, the status will be shared with the applicant on e-mail
Concealment of any material fact or false representation etc. will lead to cancellation of registration as Overseas Citizen of India (Please refer to section 7D of the Citizenship Act, 1955).
For Status Enquiry about your application, visit :
It is mandatory to upload Applicant's photograph and Applicant's signature image during OCI-Registration.
Both the images must be in jpeg or jpg format, with max size 500kb.
The height and width of the Applicant Photo must be equal.
The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 200 pixels (height).
The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 3500 pixels (height).
The height and width of the Signature Photo must have aspect ratio 1:3
The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 67 pixels (height).
The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 2500 pixels (height).
Kindly be ready with both these images before starting the registration process.
"I undertake that I will not engage in an prohibited activity other than the one for which I have been permitteyd. Further, I understand that if I violate any of the provisions of the Citizenship Act, 1955 or provisions of any other law or any law for time being in force as may be specified by Government, my OCI registration will not only be cancelled but also I shall be prosecuted as per law of the land."
Applicants applying for Permission, please note-
Overseas Citizen Of India Cardholder
New OCI Registration
Before you start
- Check your eligibility before you start your registration.
- If you are already an OCI Card Holder, kindly use OCI Miscellaneous Services.
- If you are an PIO Card Holder, kindly register through OCI Registration (In Lieu Of Valid PIO-Card).
- If you are an PIO Card Holder and card is in lost state, kindly register through OCI Registration (In Lieu Of Lost PIO-Card).
- To reprint your already registered application, kindly use 'Re-Print Submitted Application' service.
- In case of urgent travel, applicants may apply for appropriate visa.
- Kindly be ready with Applicant's image and Applicant's signature image (Max size 1MB).
- The height and width of the Applicant Photo must be equal.
- The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 200 pixels (height).
- The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 3500 pixels (height).
- The height and width of the Signature Photo must have aspect ratio 1:3
- The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 67 pixels (height).
- The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 2500 pixels (height).
- Kindly be ready with supporting documents in PDF format (Max size 1000kb).
After Registration
- After submission of online application, a copy of the application form will be printed with an Online Registration Number.
- Application form, complete in all respects, along with all relevant enclosures and requisite fee may be submitted to the Indian Mission/Post/Office in whose jurisdiction the applicant is ordinarily residing irrespective of the fact whether the same Indian Mission/Post/Office has issued the original OCI documents or not.
OCI Registration (In Lieu Of Valid PIO-Card)
Before you start
- Check your eligibility before you start your registration.
- If you are already an OCI Card Holder, kindly use OCI Miscellaneous Services.
- If you are an PIO Card Holder, kindly register through OCI Registration (In Lieu Of Valid PIO-Card).
- If you are an PIO Card Holder and card is in lost state, kindly register through OCI Registration (In Lieu Of Lost PIO-Card).
- To reprint your already registered application, kindly use 'Re-Print Submitted Application' service.
- Bureau of Immigration(BoI) will accept PIO cards as valid travel document till 30th September, 2019 along with valid foreign passport and the Indian Immigration check posts will continue to consider all PIO cards valid for exit/entry into India till 30th September, 2019. This extension of timeline is subject to the condition that if in the meantime any deadline is notify by the ICAO thereby making hand written PIO cards invalid the PIO cardholders may have to obtain appropriate visa from Indian Missions/Post abroad.
- In case of urgent travel, applicants may apply for appropriate visa.
- Kindly be ready with Applicant's image and Applicant's signature image (Max size 1MB).
- The height and width of the Applicant Photo must be equal.
- The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 200 pixels (height).
- The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 3500 pixels (height).
- The height and width of the Signature Photo must have aspect ratio 1:3.
- The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 67 pixels (height).
- The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 2500 pixels (height).
- Kindly be ready with supporting documents in PDF format (Max size 1000kb).
After Registration
- After submission of online application, a copy of the application form will be printed with an Online Registration Number.
- Application form, complete in all respects, along with all relevant enclosures and requisite fee may be submitted to the Indian Mission/Post/Office in whose jurisdiction the applicant is ordinarily residing irrespective of the fact whether the same Indian Mission/Post/Office has issued the original OCI documents or not.
OCI Registration (In Lieu Of Lost PIO-Card)
Before you start
- Check your eligibility before you start your registration.
- If you are already an OCI Card Holder, kindly use OCI Miscellaneous Services.
- If you are an PIO Card Holder, kindly register through OCI Registration (In Lieu Of Valid PIO-Card).
- If you are an PIO Card Holder and card is in lost state, kindly register through OCI Registration (In Lieu Of Lost PIO-Card).
- To reprint your already registered application, kindly use 'Re-Print Submitted Application' service.
- Bureau of Immigration(BoI) will accept PIO cards as valid travel document till 30th September, 2019 along with valid foreign passport and the Indian Immigration check posts will continue to consider all PIO cards valid for exit/entry into India till 30th September, 2019. This extension of timeline is subject to the condition that if in the meantime any deadline is notify by the ICAO thereby making hand written PIO cards invalid the PIO cardholders may have to obtain appropriate visa from Indian Missions/Post abroad.
- In case of urgent travel, applicants may apply for appropriate visa.
- Kindly be ready with Applicant's image and Applicant's signature image (Max size 1MB).
- The height and width of the Applicant Photo must be equal.
- The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 200 pixels (height).
- The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 3500 pixels (height).
- The height and width of the Signature Photo must have aspect ratio 1:3.
- The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 67 pixels (height).
- The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 2500 pixels (height).
- Kindly be ready with supporting documents in PDF format (Max size 1000kb).
After Registration
- After submission of online application, a copy of the application form will be printed with an Online Registration Number.
- Application form, complete in all respects, along with all relevant enclosures and requisite fee may be submitted to the Indian Mission/Post/Office in whose jurisdiction the applicant is ordinarily residing irrespective of the fact whether the same Indian Mission/Post/Office has issued the original OCI documents or not.
OCI Miscellaneous Services
Before you start
- To avail Miscellaneous Service, you must be an existing OCI Card Holder
- In case the existing OCI card holder wishes to update/upload the latest information about his latest passport, Change in address/Occupation/Contact details, the OCI card holder can select the option/(s) as given below and upload the latest photograph and requisite documents. These details shall be updated into the OCI system records and an acknowledgement shall be shared with OCI card holder on his/her registered email ID. The services under these categories are gratis in nature:
1. In case issuance of new Passport Details (each time a new passport is issued up to 20 years of age and once after completing 50 years of age)
2. In case change in address/occupation/contact details. - These Misc services can be availed for re-issuance of OCI Card as well as updating the information time to time as mentioned in the MHA notification dated 16th April, 2021. The re-issuance of new OCI card will be applicable for following categories:
1. In case of issuance of new passport (once a new passport is issued after completing 20 years of age.)
2. In case of change of personal particulars viz. name, father's name, nationality etc.
3. In case of loss/damage of OCI registration certificate.
- In case of Renunciation of OCI Card.
- Kindly be ready with Applicant's image and Applicant's signature image (Max size 1Mb).
- The height and width of the Applicant Photo must be equal.
- The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 200 pixels (height).
- The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 3500 pixels (height).
- The height and width of the Signature Photo must have aspect ratio 1:3.
- The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 67 pixels (height).
- The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 2500 pixels (height).
- Kindly be ready with supporting documents in PDF format (Max size 1000kb).
After Registration
- In case the existing OCI card holder wishes to apply for re-issuance of OCI Card, application form, complete in all respects, along with all relevant enclosures and requisite fee may be submitted to the Indian Mission/Post/Office in whose jurisdiction the applicant is ordinarily residing irrespective of the fact whether the same Indian Mission/Post/Office has issued the original OCI documents or not.
- In case the existing OCI card holder wishes to update/upload the latest information about his latest passport, Change in address/Occupation/Contact details, the OCI card holder can select the option/(s) as given below and upload the latest photograph and requisite documents. These details shall be updated into the OCI system records and an acknowledgement shall be shared with OCI card holder on his/her registered email ID. The services under these categories are gratis in nature
Apply For Special Permission
Before you start
- To apply for permission for any of the activity, you must be an existing OCI Card Holder.
You may apply for the permission of any one of the activities listed below:
- to undertake research;
- to undertake any Missionary or Tabligh or Mountaineering or Journalistic activities;
- to undertake internship in any foreign Diplomatic Missions or foreign Government organisations in India or to take up employment in any foreign Diplomatic Missions in India;
- to visit any place which falls within the Protected or Restricted or prohibited areas as notified by the Central Government or competent authority;
- To apply for permission for any of the activity, you must be an existing OCI Card Holder.
After Registration
- After submission of online application, applicant will be informed regarding permission through e-mail.
OCI Document Upload/ Re-upload
Before you start
- This feature is to re-upload supporting documents for your OCI application.
- This feature can be used only after successful online registration.
- Uploading/Re-uploading of documents cannot be performed once your application gets acknowledged at Indian Mission/FRRO.
- Kindly be ready with supporting document in PDF format (Max size 1000kb).
- Kindly be ready with File reference number of your application along with the passport number.
OCI Image Upload/ Re-upload
Before you start
- This feature is to re-upload Applicant's Image/ Signature.
- This feature can be used only after successful online registration.
- Re-upload cannot be performed once your application gets acknowledged at Indian Mission/FRRO.
- Kindly be ready with Applicant's image and Applicant's signature image (Max size 1Mb).
- The height and width of the Applicant Photo must be equal.
- The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 200 pixels (height).
- The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 3500 pixels (height).
- The height and width of the Signature Photo must have aspect ratio 1:3.
- The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 67 pixels (height).
- The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 2500 pixels (height).
- Kindly be ready with File reference number of your application along with the passport number.
Status Enquiry
Before you start
- This feature is to check current status of your application.
- This feature will be useful only if your application gets acknowledged at Indian Mission/FRRO
- Ordinarily, OCI Registration Certificate and Visa are available for delivery within 60 days from the date of acknowledgment
- Kindly be ready with File reference number of your application along with the passport number.
Re-Print Submitted Applications
Before you start
- This feature is to download and reprint application form, that you have already completed online.
- This feature can be used only after successful online registration.
- Reprinting cannot be performed after your application gets acknowledged at Indian Mission/FRRO.
- Kindly be ready with File reference number of applicant's application, applicant's date of birth along with the passport number.
Book Appointment / Reschedule Booking Appointment
Before you start
- This feature is to download and reprint application form, that you have already completed online.
- This feature can be used only after successful online registration.
- Reprinting cannot be performed after your application gets acknowledged at Indian Mission/FRRO.
- Kindly be ready with File reference number of applicant's application, applicant's date of birth along with the passport number.